From 2017 - 2019, SO IN Futsal has taken youth teams to neighboring cities to compete in futsal tournaments such as Tiki Taka Futsal (Louisville) and Midwest Regional (Cincinnati) tournament. Many of the teams have experienced success across different age groups/genders.
The last few years, we elected not to participate in tournaments but with the increase in skilled trainers and more capacity for advanced training, we are excited to get back at it again this winter.
This is by invitation. Not every age group or gender will send a team to tournament. Teams will be formed on the basis that the invited players will be able to compete with the level of competition at these events.
Tournaments Options for the 2023-2024 Season:
There will be a separate expense by SO IN Futsal to cover costs including, but not limited to the tournament fee, jersey, additional team training sessions, and trainer support. Details will be provided closer to the tournaments.
Any questions, please email
To find out more information on our National Tournament, Regional Tournaments, click here.