Before registering, please review the Stay To Play policy below.

The National Championship is a mandatory Stay to Play event.  All out of town teams must stay at a host hotel, booked through the official USYF hotel booking company, THS (Tournament Housing Services).  

Click here to book rooms. 

The THS Company
Phone: 908-979-0928
Toll-Free: 888-536-8326

Out of town teams are defined as anyone traveling from outside of a 100-mile radius of Overland Park, KS.

THS has negotiated group rates and other amenities to make your stay comfortable and cost effective with hotels close to the tournament venue sites. If you have questions with the online hotel booking, please email THS at

IMPORTANT - Out of town team's application will not be accepted unless a booking with one of our host hotels is on record by April 15, 2024

All teams must book rooms Friday - Tuesday.  Due to anticipated growth, please note we are planning to schedule most Semifinals and all Final games on Tuesday, 7/9/2024.  Finals may be played as late as 7:30pm and teams should plan accordingly for their travel. Please note, the airport is 45 minutes from the venue, its code is MCI.

Saturday Games - Plan your team's travel expecting to play your first game as early as 8 am Saturday, July 6.  ALL teams must be available to play at that time.  Based upon the tournament starting for all teams on Saturday at 8am and Finals ending on Tuesday, the expectation is that each team book a minimum of 4 night stay (Friday arrival - Tuesday departure).  

For teams already eliminated from the tournament by Monday morning or the teams that might be eliminated during Monday day and evening games, the THS, Inc. contract with the host hotels allows teams to cancel their Monday night stay with no penalty if the teams checkout with the hotels by 11 am Monday.  Semifinals and Finals time slots will not be determined until Monday night 7/8/2024 after pool play is complete.