Home to the First Futsal Academy in Southern Indiana
Respect of Facilities
Age Divisions/Groups
High School boys from 9th - 12th grade in the current school year. Any players outside this will be put on a contingency list to help with numbers if needed.
Players register online as individuals through SO IN Futsal. Once all registrants are determined, teams will be formed and announced. Our goal is for the teams to be competitive across the league.
Season Play
Games plan to begin on Jan 6th and run for 7 weeks. Games days are set for Saturday afternoons running hourly starting after 2p. Although we are confident in this schedule, please note that it could change based on the league size and/or unforeseen constraints.
Teams will be scheduled to play 6 games plus a mini tournament on the last date.
This is a player-led team. There will be no parent coaches, club, or HS coaches leading the teams or sitting on the benches. The referee will be responsible for both teams and overseeing the rules of the match are adhered to.
Competition Format & Rules
Official futsal FIFA Rules and Regulations as stated under the Laws of The Game will be enforced. Exceptions are noted below under House Rules.
House Rules
Player Registration Fee - All players must be registered with USYF and releases signed by player/parent/guardian (P/P/G). The fee is $13.50 per player and is completed online only.
Roster Cards
SO IN Futsal will issue roster cards to the referee. To be eligible to play, each player must be on the roster. Roster cards are issued only after full payment of fees, signed Medical / Media Release forms have been received and all players have been registered online.
Pre-game Check-In
Roster cards may be checked before games. This is to assure that all players are registered and the league remains sanctioned by US Soccer.
Game Balls
Official game balls (size 4) will be provided by SO IN Futsal.
The wearing of shin guards are required for all players. Indoor, flat soled soccer shoes also must be worn.
Forfeited Games
If a team fails to show for a scheduled match, the referee shall allow a 5 minute grace period. After the 5 minutes, if the team has not yet arrived or does not have enough players to field a team (4), the game will be forfeited. The game will be tallied as a 3 to 0 loss for the forfeiting team and a 3 to 0 win for their opponent.
If the referee terminates a match for reasons other than an act of God or field conditions, the SO IN Futsal Competition Committee will decide the result of the match after hearing the official reason from the referee.
Point System and Tiebreakers
Please note, league standings will not be published. However, the scheduling system allows teams to track progress if desired.
The determination within the group standings is as follows:
Forfeited games are recorded as a 3 - 0 loss
There are no awards given for winners of divisions
We plan to have a mini tournament on the final date of the league. Format has not been established yet but will be communicated to teams along with the head-to-head bracket schedule.
Ejections - Red Cards
The minimum penalty for an ejection is that the player shall not be permitted to play in the immediate next match of play. If the player who received the red card, does not have another match that day, then the player must sit out the next immediate scheduled match. The League, in consultation with the Head Referee, will then decide if the player will sit out an additional game (s) the following week The player receiving the red card must sit out a minimum of one game.
We have been able to reschedule games that have been cancelled due weather, such as snow, ice or due to the facilities cancelling games. While we will try to reschedule those games, we cannot guarantee that those games can be rescheduled. We can only reschedule games if the facilities have available times to reschedule them. If we reschedule games due to above, the makeup game will be set and communicated to all teams affected.
Games Cancelled by Facilities
We reserve the right to postpone or cancel games at any time for any reason such as bad weather or facility problems. SO IN Futsal plays games in all weather and only cancels games if the facility cancels. Cancellations are very rare events, so teams should plan on playing. If there are games cancelled, reschedules are not guaranteed and refunds for cancelled games will not be provided.
Certified Futsal referees will run the league games. If you have an interest in joining the SO IN Futsal referee pool, please email us at scott@soinfutsal.com. To be eligible for consideration, you must be licensed with US Soccer as an outdoor referee.
Additional Questions
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding SO IN Futsal, please feel free to contact us at scott@soinfutsal.com.
Please email questions to scott@soinfutsal.com